The Revival Teahouse

This wildly participatory 55’ tent matches headliners with participants in a sacredly-improvisational scene unlike anything else.

“Imagine” if you will: 4 nights of deeply-crafted ceremony – guided by participatory song, improv jams, wacky theater, everyone orchestras, spoken word, and warm tea served till dawn. Our container is informed by a set of principles to help foster a culture of radical engagement, emotional bravery and absolute magic.

This will be our 5th year at Imagine, and we’re constantly evolving to serve Life in the best way we know how. Bring your fullest self, and prepare (as much as you’re able) for a weekend of ecstatic joy, rapturous awe, deep prayer, sweet grief, utter hilarity, and some sacred wildness. Come get it y’all!

Thursday 8pm-1am

Friday 9pm-4am

Saturday 9pm-4am

Sunday 8pm-1am


Earth Practice
Manatee Commune
Paul Chiyoktin
Water Eye
Max Ribner
Aimee Ringle
Andy Fischer Price
Micaela Kingslight
James Rian O’Keefe
Samara Jade
Robin Jackson
Rebecca Elatiki
Finn & Heyona Many Accompanists…
All Star Jams Galore…
More Announced Soon…
(Musical improv workshops daily)

***Deep gratitude to Rocco Strain & Spencer O’Neal for running such impeccable sound, to Seaira Harris & Cheryn Rose for hosting nightly tea ceremonies, to Melo & Sheila for their generous patronage, and to all of YOU for your loving participation… ~B